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Lora O'Brien
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Lora O'Brien (32)
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Amy O'Riordan (née Coe)
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Cathy Brigid
Dr. Gillian Kenny
Geraldine Moorkens Byrne
Ian Paul Power
John-Paul Patton
Jon O'Sullivan
Lora O'Brien
Morgan Daimler
Orlagh Costello
Tara Tine
The Irish Pagan School Admin
Find a product
Lora O'Brien
Cuairteoir (Guest) Membership
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Monthly Membership of the Irish Pagan School as a Personal Guest of Lora and Jon.
80 Course Bundle
St Patrick - What's the Real Story?
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Join Lora O'Brien & Morgan Daimler for a Discussion Style Session all about St Patrick: in History, in Ireland, and in America.
Morgan Daimler
Irish Paganism: A Living Tradition
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From Ancient Roots to Contemporary Practice, with a Native Irish Draoí.
Lora O'Brien
Your Irish Ancestry
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Online Course to explore your family history and Irish genealogy, beyond your Irish ancestry DNA.
Lora O'Brien
Seasons and Sacred Cycles
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Learn about the mythology, folk traditions and magic around the turning of the year and Pagan Festivals in Ireland.
Lora O'Brien
A Timeline of Irish History
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Lora O'Brien Provides a Clear Overview of the History of Ireland Through the Ages
Lora O'Brien
The Moon in Irish Tradition
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Online Class to Explore the Moon's Place in Irish Folklore and Native Spiritual Practice
Lora O'Brien
No, You're Not a Celtic Shaman
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Decolonising your 'Celtic' Paganism and moving towards Right Relationship with native Irish spiritual traditions
Lora O'Brien
A Practical Guide to Irish Spirituality
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How to Begin? - from the 3 Worlds of Irish Cosmology - Land, Sea, Sky - through Ancestry, Ancient Places, Sacred Cycles.... and More.
Lora O'Brien
Meeting Irish Gods
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An Introduction to the Tuatha Dé Danann, and How to Work with the Pagan Gods and Goddesses of Ireland
Lora O'Brien
An Introduction to Irish Lore
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Where do we start? This course will help you to get comfortable with the Irish lore sources that are available, in a usable, practical way.
Lora O'Brien
Meditation & Guided Journeys Bundle
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All of our Courses on Meditation and Lora O'Brien's Irish Journeying Method
5 Course Bundle
Introduction to Irish Magic
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Learn how magic works, about the native historical record, the Irish Otherworld, and how to make use of it all.
Lora O'Brien
Witchcraft in Ireland
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From ancient Druids to more modern Draíodóra, this Course explores the history and practice of Witchcraft in Ireland.
Lora O'Brien
Irish Magic Lore & Learning
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14 Week Self-Study Programme
Lora O'Brien
Irish Fairies 101: The Sidhe
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Get Back to Basics with the Most Common Q&A about the Othercrowd - Irish Fairies.
Lora O'Brien
The Cailleach in Irish Lore
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Learn about the Cailleach, Drawing Directly from Irish Mythology and Folklore with a Native Irish Guide
Lora O'Brien
Introduction to the Mórrígan
Available until
Learn about the Irish Goddess Mórrígan, an Mór Ríoghain with Irish Draoí - Lora O'Brien
Lora O'Brien
Queen Medb, Cruachan, and Priesthood
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Exploring Queen Medb of Connacht, ancient Irish Initiator, Brehon, Sovereign Queen, and Goddess.
Lora O'Brien
FREE Foundation Class in Meditation & Guided Journeys
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Learn the Basics of Meditation and Lora O'Brien's Irish Journeying Method, with our Level One Guided Journeys Class - The Beach
Lora O'Brien
Getting Started in Irish Paganism (FREE)
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Your Free Guide to Beginning or Deepening an Authentic Irish Pagan Practice, with native Irish Draoí (Druid), Lora O'Brien
Lora O'Brien
Bealtaine in Ireland
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Learn How We Celebrate the Bealtaine (Beltane) Fire Festival in Irish Paganism
Lora O'Brien
Lúnasa in Ireland
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Online Class about how we Celebrate the Lúnasa (Lughnasadh) Fire Festival in Irish Paganism
Lora O'Brien
Samhain in Ireland
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Online Class about how we Celebrate the Samhain Fire Festival (Halloween) in Irish Paganism
Lora O'Brien
Imbolg in Ireland
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Learn How We Celebrate the Imbolg (Imbolc) Fire Festival in Irish Paganism
Lora O'Brien
The Morrigan Multi-Pass
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This is (Almost) Everything Lora Teaches About the Mórrígan, in One Place!
8 Course Bundle
(Free) Trustworthy Sources for Irish Spirituality
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Reliable Resources for Exploring Your Connection to Ireland
Lora O'Brien